Innpact Insights: SFDR & EUÂ Taxonomy – Guiding Notes for your Impact Fund
The publication of the (EU) 2019/2088 Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) marks a key milestone in the 2018 EU Action Plan on financing sustainable growth.
Why is SFDR so important for the impact investing market and to whom does it apply? SFDR offers transparency to investors as it provides a common sustainability disclosure framework. It is applicable to financial market participants and financial products with sustainability objective(s) or characteristic(s) ranging from impact funds to impact bonds. Entities and financial advisers are now required to disclose information on how their impact objectives, sustainability risks, adverse impacts, and safeguards are integrated within the investment process.
Discover our 8-page Guide containing key definitions, requirements, timeline, tips and FAQs about SFDR & EU Taxonomy.