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Strategy & Structuring

Designing and structuring your impact investment fund together

We have sound expertise in blended finance and provide hands-on support to help you design and structure the appropriate investment vehicle to deploy your social and environmental impact investing strategy and unlock potential for your impact fund.

What we offer

Innpact Services IMM

We guide you from concept to first closing of your impact investment fund


Market analysis
Impact investment strategy
Impact measurement and management
Financial model
Structure and governance
Legal feasibility
Term sheet
Relation with Investors


Business plan & marketing
Selection of service providers
Legal documentation
Processes, policies & procedures


Investment pipeline
Vehicle set-up
Onboarding of investors
First closing
First Board meeting

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With an increasing number of investors and of funds being raised to make impact investments contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is key to ensure that the design of your impact fund embeds the best fund structuring and impact management practices. Upon fund launch, our Luxembourg AIFM and Mauritius CIS Manager are your partners for regulated fund management services.

Our experts

Want to know more about our Strategy & Structuring services? Contact our experts directly by clicking on the link below.

Contact now

Arnaud Gillin
Co-Founding Partner

Morgana Bourggraf

Morgana Bourggraff
Senior Consultant

Adriana Balducci

Adriana Balducci
Associate Director
Head of Advisory Services

Discover our other services

Innpact Services IMM


The only third-party AIFM in Luxembourg exclusively dedicated to impact investment funds

Innpact Services IMM

Fund Management in Mauritius

A dedicated team in Mauritius

Innpact Services IMM

Impact Management, SFDR & Taxonomy

Extensive impact management services including hands-on advice on how to ensure your Article 8 or Article 9 impact fund fully complies with SFDR and EU Taxonomy

Innpact Services IMM

Management Services

State-of-the-art Board and Fund Management services to steer and operate your impact fund.

Innpact Services IMM

Investment Services

Expert advice and guidance in your impact investment decisions.