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Strategy & Structuring Services

Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Roadmap


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate Action

Description of the Project

The aim of the roadmap is to draw up an inventory of existing initiatives in Luxembourg in the field of sustainable finance, and lay the foundations for a sustainable financial strategy, contributing to the UN 2030 Agenda and the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It also aims to consolidate the leading role of the Luxembourg financial center in the field of sustainable finance. It is ambitious in terms of Luxembourg’s contributions to sustainable development and to European and international climate initiatives and takes a forward-looking approach in terms of identifying future opportunities and challenges.

Nine key recommendations are outlined in the report, pertaining to strategy, coordination, deepening of knowledge, leveraging of financial sector expertise, raising of awareness, ensuring innovation, incentives and proof of concept as well as measuring progress.

Innpact contribution

Innpact supported the development of this Roadmap Report from preparation to conclusion:

– Invite key stakeholders of the financial sector and establish working groups,
– Conduct stock take of international and national initiatives and practices,
– Conduct working group as well as interview sessions involving more than 50 stakeholders of the Luxembourg financial center,
– Benchmark against recognised sets of international recommendations and identify gaps,
– Present findings to Steering Committee,
– Draft Roadmap Report based on input from all stakeholders.

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