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Our projects

Strategy & Structuring Services

Jaida – MicroCredit and technical assistance to Morrocan enterprises

North Africa

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1 No Poverty Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 Gender Equality Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Description of the Project

JAÏDA, is a financing fund for microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Morocco. It was established as a Moroccan limited company and approved by the Central Bank of Morocco.

The main objectives pursued by the Fund are:

  • Facilitate the financing of all MFIs to improve access to credit for micro-entrepreneurs in Morocco;
  • Raise funding from private sources and attract new private capital to the microfinance sector;
  • Foster the institutional development of MFIs.

Innpact contribution

Design of a technical assistance facility for Morrocan enterprises.

Project Factsheet

  • Name: Jaida – MicroCredit and technical assistance to Morrocan enterprises
  • Inception: June 2007
  • Domicile: Morocco
  • Initiators: KfW
  • Geographic Focus: North Africa
  • Type: Found
  • Info

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Fund Webpage


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