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Our projects

Strategy & Structuring Services

LAFCo – Lending for African Farming Company

Sub-Saharan Africa

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2 Zero Hunger Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Description of the Project

LAFCo provides loans to agricultural SMEs throughout sub-Saharan Africa that work directly with smallholder farmers, with a primary focus on businesses that advance local and regional food security. They endeavors to serve the day-to-day working capital needs of agricultural businesses, particularly those operating in staple food crop value chains.

Innpact contribution

Innpact actively collaborated with the initiating partners in the set-up and implementation phase of LAFCo as a Mauritius-based GBL1 Investment Company. Innpact has further been mandated to continue its support to LAFCo.

Project Factsheet

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Fund Webpage


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