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Leveraging carbon finance to generate strong social, environmental & economic impact

LCF3 – Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3

Worldwide Emerging Market - AIFM Partner

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1 No Poverty Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2 Zero Hunger Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 Gender Equality Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #7 Affordable and Clean Energy Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate Action Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #15 Life on Land Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #17 Partnerships for the Goals

Description of the Project

Livelihoods Venture created Livelihoods Carbon Fund 1 in 2011 and Livelihoods Carbon Fund 2 in 2017 to leverage the carbon economy to finance ecosystem restoration, agroforestry and rural energy projects to improve food security for rural communities and increase farmers’ revenues. The funds provide upfront financing to project developers for large-scale project implementation and maintenance over periods of 10 to 20 years. Livelihoods Venture is a social business based in Paris, is the initiator of several Livelihoods funds and is the Investment Advisor of LCF3.

In 2021, Livelihoods Venture launched Livelihoods Carbon Fund SICAV-RAIF (LCF3) as a regulated Luxembourg fund with a term of 24 years. LCF3 invests in large-scale natural ecosystem restoration, agroforestry, and rural energy projects in developing countries. LCF provide upfront financing to project developers for large-scale project implementation and maintenance over periods of 10 to 20 years. The funds receive result-based payments for the risks they bear in the form of carbon credits. This investment model is made possible thanks to long-term commitments from our investors. LCF3 is funded by 14 international corporate investors as well as financial investors with a total committed capital of $150m.

LCF3 aims at improving the lives of 2 million people while delivering up to 30 million tons of CO2 to be sequestered or avoided over the entire duration of the fund.

Innpact contribution

Innpact Fund Management S.A. was selected by Livelihoods Venture as its AIFM partner for the launch of the fund, the onboarding of investors in 2021 and the ongoing management of the Fund.

Livelihoods Ventures is acting as Investment Advisor to the AIFM.

Our AIFM team worked closely with Livelihoods Venture on all procedures required by the AIFM to set up and launch the fund as a Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF). Based on the advisory model, our AIFM services include the core functions of risk, portfolio management and investment committee. Further advisory services are provided by Innpact S.A.

Project Factsheet

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LCF3 Website

LCF3 Initiator

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