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Our projects

Europe investment focus


Europe investment focus

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6 Clean Water and Sanitation Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate Action

Description of the Project

MS+’s mission is to generate superior market returns by investing in growth-stage companies solving social and environmental challenges.

MS+ endeavours to utilise a thematic approach inspired by societal megatrends to support businesses which either advance climate change mitigation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement, resource efficiency to reduce unsustainable consumption and waste levels to support the transition to a circular economy, or fair labour and health-and-wellbeing standards.

Innpact contribution

Innpact Fund Management S.A. was selected to be the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) in 2024. Mustard Seed Impact Limited is the appointed Investment Advisor for the Fund.

Project Factsheet

  • Inception: November 2024
  • AIFM: Innpact Fund Management S.A.
  • Investment Advisor: Mustard Seed Impact Limited
  • Sector: Climate change mitigation
  • Geographic Focus: Europe
  • End‐Beneficiaries: Growth-stage businesses with sustainable, outsized impact potential
  • Financial Instruments: Private equity
  • Type: Luxembourg RAIF
  • SFDR Classification: Article 9

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Sustainability-related disclosures

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