SEFAA – Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Description of the Project
SEFAA‘s mission is to contribute to enhancing the business ecosystem, income opportunities and thus the livelihood conditions of smallholder farmers (SHFs) in the agri-sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This can be achieved by providing appropriate growth funding to potentially viable agricultural enterprises that actively and substantively contribute to enhancing the business ecosystem, or income opportunities, for smallholder farmers (SHFs).
These enterprises are difficult to find and reach, require high engagement to understand their financing needs and flexibility in structuring and a diversity of instruments appropriate to those needs.
SEFAA’s theory of change is that significant poverty alleviation can be achieved by improving the productivity of smallholder farmers (SHFs) by providing financing to viable Social Agricultural Enterprises (SAEs) providing products and services to SHFs or rural MSMEs.
The fund seeks to achieve the desired impact of significant poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa by deploying growth capital and technical assistance (TA) funding to profitable or commercially viable SAEs in the agri-sector that can or do generate a positive, sustainable and measurable impact at a meaningful scale on SHFs in SEFAA’s target countries.
Source :
Innpact contribution
Innpact Fund Management S.A. was selected to be the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) in 2022 and worked with the initiators of the fund to be appointed as the AIFM of the Fund towards the end of Q1 2023. Sahel Capital (Mauritius) Limited is the Investment Advisor and the AIFM is responsible for Portfolio Management. Additional support services are provided by Innpact S.A.
Project Factsheet
- Name: The Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa SA SICAV-RAIF
- Inception: December 2020
- Domicile: Luxembourg
- Investment Advisor: Sahel Capital (Mauritius) Limited
- AIFM: Innpact Fund Management S.A.
- Portfolio Manager: Innpact Fund Management S.A.
- Sector: Agriculture
- Geographic Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
- End‐Beneficiaries: Smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Financial Instruments: Private Debt and Private Equity type investments
- Type: Luxembourg SA, SICAV-RAIF
- SFDR Classification: Article 9
- Info:
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