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Our projects

Investing in smallholder farmers, SMEs and Financial Intermediaries to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural value chains

ABC – Agri-Business Capital Fund


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted

Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1 No Poverty Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2 Zero Hunger Innpact United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Description of the Project

The Agri-Business Capital Fund seeks to invest, to catalyze blended capital and to mobilize technical assistance to be deployed into underserved agribusiness segments, focusing on investments in farmer organizations, financial intermediaries and agribusiness SMEs that help drive job creation, poverty eradication, food security and social inclusion.

The aim is to contribute to the sustainable development of the agriculture value chain in developing low and middle-income countries with the initial focus on countries located in the Sub-Saharan Africa.


Innpact contribution

Innpact Fund Management S.A. was selected to be the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) in  2022 and worked with the initiators of the fund to be appointed as the AIFM of the fund towards the end of Q1 2023.

Bamboo Capital Partners is the appointed Portfolio Manager for the fund and additional support services may be provided by Innpact S.A.

Project Factsheet

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ABC Fund Website

ABC Fund initiator and Portfolio Manager

Sustainability-related disclosures

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